By becoming a member, you join a growing community of women leaders who practice intentional and balanced living in their professional and personal lives.

Become A Member

Membership Price  
Member $50.00 Per Month Select

Member Benefits

Community & Networking

Connect with a diverse and supportive community of like-minded women who share similar goals and challenges. Build meaningful relationships, find mentors, and enhance your personal and professional growth.

Member-Only Events

Participate in exclusive events, workshops, and masterclasses conducted by industry experts. Acquire new skills and engage in thought-provoking discussions with fellow members.

Monthly Newsletter

Receive curated newsletters with highlights, tips, resources, and success stories from Kristy and the community. Stay connected and informed about upcoming events and opportunities.

Intentional Living Tools

Receive practical tools and resources to help you integrate intentionality into your daily life. Explore time management techniques, mindfulness practices, and goal-setting strategies tailored to women leaders.

Recognition & Exposure

Showcase your achievements and milestones through member spotlights and features on Kristy’s platforms. Increase your visibility within the community and beyond, fostering potential collaborations and opportunities.

Personalized Guidance

Access personalized sessions with Kristy, the LifeSmith herself. Receive tailored personal advice and solutions to address your challenges and enhance your professional development.

Kristy Services Discounts

Enjoy special discounts on other services offered by Kristy, including additional coaching sessions, workshops, and exclusive products.